Monday, August 8, 2011


This article, How to Enlarge Your Territories by Bo Sanchez, is filled with inspiring messages but these lines struck me the most:

"Here’s what I learned: When you force people to attend meetings, there’s nothing wrong with the people. There’s something wrong with your meetings."

As someone who was once a member of a youth church organization, I could greatly attest to this. I've seen how gays, lesbians and bisexuals stopped attending meetings just a few weeks after joining the group. It's because they didn't feel welcome. The church organization imposes strict rules on how they should act, how they should dress, how they should talk, etc. It was as if, to be a member of the organization, they should have a personality overhaul first. But the truth is, they just wanted to be accepted the way they are.

One thing I learned, those difficult people around us, those who irritate us, those who annoy us the most, those we hate…they are the ones who really need love. They became problematic people because in reality, they are the ones who are undergoing inner struggles.* They are the ones who are going through a lot of problems. They are the ones who underwent many rejections and hurts. And to deal with all of these, they developed unwanted behaviors, whether consciously or unconsciously. So we better not judge them, but love them, because we wouldn’t want to be in their place. It is only when these people experience acceptance and love that they become receptive to changing their ways.

* P.S. Most of the gays I know confessed that they were sexually molested as a child.


NOTE: This article was posted as a reply to Bo Sanchez' article, "How To Enlarge Your Territories."

Be blessed always,

♥ ♥ ♥ 

‎"But those who know their God shall be strong and do great and mighty exploits.” – Daniel 11:32

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