My Favorite Bible Verses

♥ You are my God. Show me what you want me to do, and let your gentle Spirit lead me in the right path. - Psalm 143:10 CEV

♥ Praise the LORD! Happy are those who fear the LORD. Yes, happy are those who delight in doing what he commands. - Psalm 112:1

♥ As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. - Isaiah 66:13

♥ "When he has tested me, I shall come forth as gold." - Job 23:10

♥ "If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask him, and he will gladly tell you, for he is always ready to give bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask him." - James 1:5

♥  But the people who are really blessed are the ones who hear and obey God’s message. – Luke 11:28 CEV

♥  "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33

♥  "Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you. Accept instruction from his mouth and lay up his words in your heart." - Job 22:21-22

♥  "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go." - Isaiah 48:17

♥ "Everything has already been decided. It was known long ago what each person would be. So there's no use arguing with God about your destiny." - Ecclesiastes 6:10

♥ "God has given each of you some special abilities, be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God's many kinds of blessings." - 1 Peter 4:10

♥ "Many are the plans in a man's heart but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." - Proverbs 19:21

♥ "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." - Colossians 3:23-24

♥ "Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts." - Proverbs 4:23

♥ "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." - Matthew 21:22

♥  "But those who know their God shall be strong and do great and mighty exploits.” – Daniel 11:32