Friday, September 9, 2011


Rating: ✰✰✰✰✰

Subtitle: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be 

You must read this book if... 

• you hate your job 

• you are already tired of repeated rejections 

• nothing in your life seems right 

• everyone discourages you from your goal 

• you want to embark on a new pursuit but you are being stopped by your own fears 

• you want to achieve your ideal weight 

• you want a significant increase in your income 

• you want to be respected by everyone 

• you want to discover the secrets to being successful 

In The Success Principles, Jack Canfield, cocreator of the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, shares with us the 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history. Canfield said he has studied these success principles and has applied them in his own life. He attributes his phenomenal level of success to his day in and day out application of these principles since he began to learn them in 1968. 

Canfield wrote The Success Principles to teach people how to increase their confidence, overcome life's daily challenges, live with passion and purpose and to inspire and motivate people to live the life of their dreams -- to get from where they are to where they want to be. He claims that, just like him and his students, all people can achieve breakthrough success if we work the principles taught in this book. 

Like Jack Canfield's other books, all the ideas and principles in the book were presented in a very organized manner, well-explained and were supported with facts, evidence and research. The principles were also vouched by quotations and inspiring stories of successful people, which made the book successful in its pursuit to motivate people into action. 

My thoughts... 

I had long been wanting to write a review of this book but had always been stalling myself. I so love this book that I wanted to give it the best review that I could possibly give. This is one of the books that have greatly influenced my life, along with The Purpose-Driven Life and Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. As a book potato, my friends always turn to me for opinion regarding which books are good to buy or give away as a gift, and every time I would always recommend this book to them. It is a fail-proof gift to everyone, men and women alike, especially when you have no idea which kind of books a person enjoys reading. 

Because Jack Canfield shared in this book the timeless success principles, reading this book was like reading all the self-help, success or motivational books out there. I read a lot faster than the average reader but it took me four months before I was able to finish reading this book. It wasn't because the book is 473-page thick, but because after reading a single chapter, I would already feel my head aching because of information overload. I had no choice but to stop reading, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get the most out of the book. 

The book had cost me much, but every single cent I had paid for it was well compensated with lots of useful information that literally changed my life. When I was reading The Success Principles, it was as if I was standing face-to-face with the most successful people who ever lived while they were telling me their secrets. This book taught me to stop complaining and blaming others about my luck of success but instead take 100% responsibility for my life. I learned that I can have everything I want to have and be everything I want to be if I will just believe and take action. I became a new person after reading this. It helped me improve not only the financial aspect of my life, but the spiritual, personal and relationship aspects as well. 

I am utterly grateful that I came across The Success Principles and I really hope everyone would also have a chance to read this. The principles taught in this book are worth millions. 

Just some of my favorite lines from the book...

• You will never become successful as long as you continue to blame someone or something else for your lack of success. If you are going to be a winner, you have to acknowledge THE TRUTH -- it is you who took the actions, thought the thoughts, created the feelings, and made the choices that got you to where you now are. It was you! 

• THINK ABOUT THIS... people only complain about things they can do something about. We don't complain about the things we have no power over. 

• The circumstances you complain about are, by their very nature, situations you can change -- but you have chosen not to. 

• Have you ever noticed that people almost always complain to the wrong people -- to people who can't do anything about their complaint? They go to work and complain about their spouse; then they come home and complain to their spouse about the people at work. 

• Learn to replace complaining with making requests and taking action that will achieve your desired outcomes. That is what successful people do. That is what works. 

• If you find yourself in a situation you don't like, either work to make it better or leave. 

• Don't wait until you are 63 to decide that you can do anything you want. Don't waste years of your life. Decide that you are capable of doing anything you want and start working toward it now. 

• So although education and a commitment to lifelong learning are essential to success, a formal degree isn't a requirement. 

• The trick is to realize that whatever you are going through now is going to turn out better in the future as well... The more you begin to look for the good, the sooner and more often you will find it. And if you take the attitude that it is coming, the less upset and discouraged you'll get while you're waiting for it. 

• Money, cars, houses, boats, attractive spouses, power and fame can all be taken away -- sometimes in the blink of an eye. But what can never be taken away is who you have become in the process of achieving your goal. 

NOTE: These are just a few lines from the book's first 60 pages (out of 473). If I won't stop myself now from enumerating my favorite quotations, this list will keep going on and on... 

♥ ♥ ♥ 

You are my God. Show me what you want me to do, and let your gentle Spirit lead me in the right path. - Psalm 143:10 CEV

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Rating: ✰✰✰✰

Subtitle: Discover a Simple Path to Happiness

You must read this book if... 

• you are workaholic 

• you have a million problems or a million things to do 

• you are harassed by the everyday demands of life 

• you are depressed and discontented about your life 

• you are going to college and you do not know which course to take 

• you want to discover the simple secrets to having a happy life

This book is a collection of Bo Sanchez' inspiring articles about making life beautiful, which were first published in Kerygma Magazine.  

You Can Make Your Life Beautiful was written to help readers discover happiness beneath the welter of life's problems. Through his personal stories, Bo aims to make us realize that whatever situation life throws us, we can always be happy -- because the key to happiness is found deep within us. 

The stories found in this book were written in Bo Sanchez' usual style of writing: light, funny and conversational -- but punchy and thought-provoking. You Can Make Your Life Beautiful is an easy read book, thus, can be finished in one sitting.

My thoughts...

Reading this book evoked different emotions in me. Most of the stories made me laugh and smile so I was really caught off-guard upon reading the article "God Answers Prayers His Way." It made me cry! Forgive me, but I almost wanted to hate Bo for making me cry without a word of warning. To this day, just remembering the said story still brings tears to my eyes. Put aside the book Your Past Does Not Define Your Future, it was the first time I had seen Bo write an article in a heart-wrenching manner. The Bo Sanchez that we all know are always happy and jocular, but in that article, you'll realize that he's human after all -- capable of feeling so much anguish. Like always, he once again inspired me with his heart-warming words of wisdom.

I have a number of favorite articles from this book; but I gave it 4 stars only because collectively, as a book, it somehow pales in comparison to Bo's other published works (My benchmarks are Your Past Does Not Define Your Future and How to Find Your One True Love). Nonetheless, I still recommend this book to everyone.

Read You Can Make Your Life Beautiful and discover a simple path to happiness...

♥ ♥ ♥ 

Praise the LORD! Happy are those who fear the LORD. Yes, happy are those who delight in doing what he commands. - Psalm 112:1


Rating: ✰✰✰✰✰

You must read this book if... 

 you are going through a difficult problem and you are already feeling hopeless

 you are grieving the loss of a loved one

 you are nursing a broken heart

On every page of this book is a Bible verse about God's promises of hope, comfort and assurance to those who are troubled and hurting; and an accompanying brief reflection on the said scripture. That God is everything we need in times of difficulty, that no problem is too great for God and that our pain has purpose, are just some of the themes the One-Minute Promises of Comfort have covered. 

When we are going through affliction, everything in life seems meaningless and we begin to question God's love. It is when we are in the dark that we most need even a flicker of hope to keep us going. One-Minute Promises of Comfort provides comfort and encouragement in the form of God's promises that we can cling to in moments of change, disappointment, loss and worry. 

Steve Miller's emphatic and poetic style of writing could evoke every reader's emotions. Miller obviously went through difficult trials himself that he was able to vividly describe all the emotions and thoughts of someone who is undergoing difficulties. No person can inspire better than someone who has gone through the same situation. For this reason, One-Minute Promises of Comfort was successful in its intent to provide comfort to the afflicted. 

My thoughts...

Believe me, I am not someone who easily cries, but this book made me cry over and over. This book couldn't have come at a better time, for I was going through a hard trial when a friend gave me this. One-Minute Promises of Comfort consists of 143 pages only, but each page is filled with heart-warming words of comfort and wisdom. Every time I would feel fear creeping up my soul because of worry over my problem, I would always look into one article from this book and I would instantly feel a lot better. 

Every brief meditation from this book reminded me of God's promise that no matter what my problems are, I would always emerge victorious because He is always ready to give me a helping hand. This book is a reminder that all trials are God's way of shaping us so He can use us for greater works. God has great plans for me, but He has to strengthen my character first through sufferings -- because a strong character is fundamental to becoming a champion.

"When he has tested me, I shall come forth as gold." - Job 23:10

Whatever your problems are, you'll surely be comforted if you read this book. I highly recommend this to everyone.

♥ ♥ ♥ 

As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. - Isaiah 66:13

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Rating: ✰✰✰✰✰

Subtitle: How to Harness the Power of Your Instinct and Make It Work for You

You must read this book if... 

 you are loveless and you want to know who will be your spouse (Yes, the name of your future spouse!) 

 you want to know when you'll get married 

 you want to find something missing 

 there is a mystery from your past you'd like to solve once and for all, or 

 you have questions about your life that you want answered 

In the beginning of the book, Laura Day said something that will definitely catch the attention of any reader, "By the time you've finished this book, you will have detailed answers to your three questions. You don't need to do research, ask an expert, or call the Psychic Hot Line (a psychic 900 number)."

Before proceeding with the book, you will be asked to come up with three questions about yourself, someone you know, or someone you haven't even met yet -- questions that are important to you. And throughout the book, you will need to do some exercises, the same ones Laura Day has been using in her workshops for nearly 20 years. These exercises will help you rediscover your intuitive abilities, which will enable you to answer your three questions. Yes, it's you who will answer and can answer the three questions. 

Laura Day limited the questions that you will ask to only three so she can walk you through the exercises in an organized way; but as you hone your intuitive abilities, you can answer any other questions on your own. According to Practical Intuition, all of us are already intuitive. We are simply unaware of our intuition or haven't learned to recognize it, but we unconsciously access our "sixth sense" all the time. All of us have the access to all the answers regarding the things we want to know about life, whether we intellectually know anything about these things or not. 

Practical Intuition is a practical book, not a spiritual or esoteric book about the mystical uses of intuition. The author wrote the book to help people rediscover and develop their natural intuitive abilities so they can use it on their daily professional or personal lives. She said that gaining practical information about anything through the use of intuition, combined with feelings and judgments, will eventually help you improve your decision-making. 

Laura Day had written this book in a very friendly approach that, throughout the exercises, I felt as if I had her beside me as my personal coach in developing my intuitive abilities. It was as if I am physically present in a seminar she is conducting. Meanwhile, the book itself will compel you with anecdotes of how the conscious use intuition has made profound impact on the lives of the author and her students. Aside from a few highly technical terms, there’s nothing else I dislike about this book. 

My thoughts...

Days ago, I asked a close friend this question: "Do you have any problem that you want to share with me?" 

She answered, "Hmmm...None...None at all. Why?"

"Really? How about money? I strongly feel you're having financial problems." 

She was stunned. "How did you know?! That's exactly the problem that has been bothering me a lot these days..." 

My reply: "Intuition. My intuition told me." 

I now have stronger intuitive abilities. Thanks to this book. 

You see, prior to reading Practical Intuition, I already had astonishing experiences regarding my intuition. I had seen the births and deaths of people close to me before they happened. However, those insights from my intuition came to me out of nowhere. This got me frustrated because I had no choice but to only passively wait for intuitive impressions to arrive. I thought it would be great if I have control over my intuition so I can access it anytime to guide me in making important decisions

In the hope of finding something that will help me hone further my intuitive abilities, I started browsing around, reading articles about intuition. However, except for defining intuition, stories of intuition in action and some random tips on how to strengthen your intuition, none of those articles were able to provide a step-by-step guide in developing my intuitive abilities... till I landed on this book. 

Practical Intuition did not disappoint me. I never imagined developing my intuition would be that easy! I was able to answer my three questions; and, after reading this book, I started enjoying the advantages of being able to tap my intuition anytime to guide me in my daily life. Since reading this book, it has been my early morning ritual to ask my intuition what's in store for the day so I can have myself ready. To this day, I am still astounded every time my intuitive readings come true. Indeed, what Laura Day said is true: 

"By the end of this book, you'll be using your intuitive powers like never before."
♥ ♥ ♥ 

“If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask him, and he will gladly tell you, for he is always ready to give bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask him.” – James 1:5